Saturday, November 6, 2010

Unfortunate Fact #5.5- STILL THE DAMN PRICES!!

Went out with a friend last night who also moved into his first "real apartment" this year and got to talking about saving some money. He agreed with my sentiments and admitted that once bills are paid, there isn't too much spending money to go around. (Hence the dive bar we were sitting at, drinking the cheapest beer on tap.)

I asked him how he saves a few dollars and he gave me some tips. So, without further ado, I give you some guest tips on how to save some serious cash.

1- Buy an Unlimited Metrocard.

My friend rides the train to school three days per week and quickly realized that the unlimited Metrocard is the way to go. "It pays for itself after a few weeks. I was refilling my Metrocard twice per week before I realized how much money I was wasting. Even if you only ride the train 3 or 4 days a week, it's well worth it."

2- Generics, generics, generics

For as long as I've known my friend, he has always been a faithful Duane Reade worshiper. So, it was no surprise when he told me that he tries to buy strictly Duane Reade brand essentials. "There are always store brand items that are at least $2-$3 cheaper than the name brand. From dental floss to paper towels, Duane Reade has all the essentials in their own brand. Stick to them, and any store brand items you come across, and you'll easily shave 15 dollars off your total bill."

3- Forget cable

This one might be a stretch for some readers, but my friend swears (and I agree) that there are ways to stay entertained without cable television. "Netflix is only $9 per month. Compare it to over $70 per month for cable, it's worth it."

My two cents: catch your favorite shows on the internet. Look hard enough, and most of them are there!

Glad to know I'm not the only one trying to pinch some pennies!

1 comment:

  1. More, more, more! Why stop there? You were on a roll! Some good tips. Thanks!
